Cradle to Grave
This life cycle assessment critically examines the environmental footprint of thermal receipt paper from production to disposal1 2. This analysis partially uses the framework of ISO standards 14040 and 14044 to ensure a systematic and scientifically rigorous evaluation1 2.
Resource Extraction
Receipt paper is primarily made up of petroleum-based products3 4 and wood pulp5. These materials are selected for their ability to interact effectively under thermal stress to ensure the durability and clarity of the print5 3 4 Therefore, this stage involves the extraction of essential raw materials, including cellulose from wood pulp5 and specialized chemicals for the thermal coating6 3 4.
The manufacturing process of thermal receipt paper comprises multiple phases: the conversion of wood into pulp, paper production, and the addition of the thermal coating5 6. During the primary phases of production, the chemicals are synthesized from petroleum-based precursors5 6. In the secondary phases, these chemicals are blended to produce the individual layers5 6. Finally, these layers are assembled to complete the receipt paper, which is then wound into rolls for distribution7 5.
This involves the transportation of the finished thermal receipt paper to various distribution centres and retail outlets8 9. The environmental impact of transportation primarily comprises emissions released by transport vehicles and the related consumption of energy9.
The usage phase involves issuing printed receipts to customers. While the direct environmental impact of this phase is minor9, research has suggested that handling receipt paper exposes both workers and consumers to hazardous concentrations of BPA and BPS10 11 8 12.
The end-of-life for thermal receipt paper typically results in it being sent to landfills or undergoing incineration10 9. This disposal process has environmental consequences, including the release of chemicals, especially BPA and BPS10, into soil and groundwater at landfill sites, and emissions generated through incineration9.
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